Graphic Designer

Graphic Design

25 January 2011

Essay Writing-Plan

To what extent did desktop publishing influence the production and the reception of Graphic Design?

Desktop Publishing before and after

-Used large print presses
-Designers needed to be professionals
-Text and images needed to be printed separately, cut out, placed on a single sheet, taped in place then copied and printed.
-Very time consuming-especialy if you needed to print masses
-Each print could be slightly different

-Enable small business or an individual to produce professional, quality materials on the premises inexpensively
-Save money
-Complete control of final products
-Easy to make changes
-It gives you more ways to effectively communicate ideas
-Combines word processing with graphics
-'Designer' doesn't have to be qualified which often results in poorly created final products

Might look into editorial design e.g. magazine design and explain how easy it is now to print, compared to when desktop publishing wasn't around.

PuzzleBox Potential

These examples are from my first live brief. The logo was for a company that specializes in learning techniques.